Kategori:  Renting Damaged Cars > Kommersielt kjøretøy MVA-kvalifiserende (21%) > Citroen >
Katalognummer: 16822864
Tilbake til listen over biler
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2019 Citroen Berlingo
BLUEHDI Talla M Live Combi, 1.5 Diesel 75 HP, Håndbok
2019 Citroen Berlingo
Registrert: (Måned/år)
km 221 572
Blanco Banquise (Sólido)
• We will send you pick up document once we have already received in our offices, by certified post, the original sale contract and the export declaration, properly signed and stamped. Pick up the vehicle by transport is mandatory. You must provide the transportist plate to receive the pick up authorization and the CMR to receive the car documents

• Posibilidad de que el vehículo se encuentre en baja temporal y que tenga que pasar ITV (extravío, cambio de servicio, ITV caducada)
• COC not available
• If the car is sold to a foreign client the invoice will include the 21% VAT deposit that will be transferred back once we receive the CMR with all the 3 stamps included (car park in origin, transport company, facilities at destination)
• Si el coche se vende a un cliente extranjero la factura incluirá el 21% de IVA en concepto de depósito que será devuelto en el mismo instante en el que se reciba el CMR con los 3 sellos respectivos incluidos: campa de origen, empresa de transporte y campa de destino).
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Tilbake til listen over biler
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Oppgi katalognummer 16822864 hvis du ringer angående den ovennevnte bilen.

Telefon:  +46 8 751 38 00 (Mandag – fredag 8:30 - 17:00)
E-post:  kundcenter@autorola.se